Saturday, August 7, 2010


I possibly, (with fear of jinxing myself) will be interning with Don Narcomey, a local sculptor this semester. It's unpaid, but holy crap I never knew how to get my foot in the door with the art world and I feel like this could be my golden opportunity! I will be meeting with him sometime next week to 'discuss specifics' it seems like it's a for sure deal, but like I said... I'm not trying to jinx myself...I still am really excited though. I never thought I would be an intern. (so grown up!)

I'm wanting badly to do some portrait photography. But I am just so awkward. (I really need to get over that if I'm truly planning on photographing people for a living.) Baby steps I guess... I'll start with family members and close friends...then maybe branch out to (gasp) strangers...

um... it's late and I'm being verrrryyyyyy loopylethargicsleepytired so...
